Welcome ! The National Association of Assistant/Associate Physicians (NAAP) is a not for profit organization that represents medical school graduates who are licensed as assistant physicians (APs) in different US states to practice medicine under the supervision of a physician.

What is an assistant physician?

An assistant physician (in some states called an associate physician) is a new classification of healthcare provider. They have completed medical school and are nationally ECFMG-certified (if they are international medical graduates) and are eligible to start medical residency training but have not yet been able to do so. The Association of American Medical Colleges has projected that by 2025 there will be a shortfall of between 14,900 and 35,600 doctors . At the same time, however, the American residency application and matching system turns away

thousands of applicants each year due to the disproportionate ratio between total number of applicants and available number of residency training positions. Until more residency programs and more training positions at existing residency programs are created nationally to better meet the healthcare needs of the current and future American public, assistant physicians are here to help (especially in medically underserved areas, both rural and urban).

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Meet Our Team

NAAP is composed of around 190 assistant physician general members that represent the 400+ licensed assistant physicians in Missouri, Utah and Arizona. The general group is led by a 12-member leadership committee (including 6 officers).